
Javascript Logo Javascript

You're familiar with HTML and CSS and have already created a few simple static sites. But you feel there's something missing. You'd like to go beyond the simple website and start creating real applications that are capable of interacting with web users. It's time for you to learn JavaScript.

JavaScript is the programming language of the Internet. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is the third fundamental technology used in web development. Let us help you discover the fascinating world of web programming, so you can take your websites to a whole new level.

During this three-day training course, you'll discover in detail the basic operating principles of the JavaScript language. The course is based on a series of practical exercises representing the main JavaScript use cases in a typical website. You'll learn by coding and solving problems as they arise, with theoretical explanations kept to an absolute minimum.


This course is aimed at people who are already familiar with HTML and CSS. Ideally, participants should have taken the HTML 5 / CSS3 - Advanced course, or have an equivalent level.

However, no previous programming experience (in any language) is required.

Your trainer

Tour trainer - Damien BruyndonckxDamien Bruyndonckx graduated as a primary school teacher. Since 2001, Damien has been active in IT training for adults. He specializes in eLearning, educational video and web development. Since 2015, Damien is a trainer for LinkedIn Learning. He has recorded some forty video training courses, mainly in the area of web development. His training courses on HTML, CSS and JavaScript have quickly become very popular, and are leading authorities in the field.

I am in [in]structor - LinkedIn Learning

Training content

This training program is based on the video training Damien Bruyndonckx produced for LinkedIn Learning.

  1. Discovering JavaScript
    In this chapter, you'll learn various techniques for integrating JavaScript into your web pages. You'll also learn how to choose the best technique depending on the situation.
  2. Working with data
    In this chapter, you'll review the concept of variables. You'll learn what variables are, create variables and discover the various types of variables available in JavaScript. You will also discover the main JavaScript operators.
  3. Working with loops and conditions
    Loops and conditions are two of the most important constructs in any programming language. In this chapter, you'll discover how JavaScript implements them and discuss the main use cases.
  4. Creating functions
    In this chapter, you'll learn how to create custom functions. You'll start with a simple function, then see how to send data to a function and how to retrieve the results. You'll also learn how to use the new arrow function syntax.
  5. Making use of JavaScript objects
    This chapter focuses on the main objects available natively in JavaScript. You'll learn how to examine these objects to make the most of their many properties and methods.
  6. Getting to know the DOM
    The DOM is how JavaScript sees your web page. Manipulating the web page means manipulating the DOM. In this chapter, you'll learn how to reach the elements of your page you want to work with. You'll also learn how to manipulate these elements, delete them or create new elements that you can then inject into your page.
  7. Display a random image
    It's time to put everything you've learned so far into practice. In this exercise, you'll use JavaScript to choose a random image and display it as the background of your web page.
  8. Taking advantage of JavaScript events
    This chapter focuses on the JavaScript event model. It will help you answer the question of when your scripts should run (when the page loads, in response to a button click, when a form is submitted, etc.).
  9. Validating forms
    It's time for a new exercise!  In this chapter, you'll develop a script that will validate the data entered in the form before sending it to the server. You'll also have to display error messages if the data entered does not conform to that expected.
  10. Introducing jQuery and the JavaScript libraries
    This chapter deals with the many JavaScript libraries available on the Internet. You'll learn what a JavaScript library is and how these libraries can help you. You'll also download and install jQuery on your site and use it to animate a drop-down menu.
  11. Adopting best practices
    Finally, you'll learn about the JavaScript best practices used by most professional coders.

Practical details

This course can be delivered either face-to-face or online.  In case of online trainig, the three days of training do not have to be contiguous. We will plan the course according to your needs and availability.

Contact us for JavaScript training courses

Interested in JavaScript training session? Need more information? Fill in the form below and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.


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  • ModalitiesFace-to-face or online
  • Price960 EUR (Excl) / Day
  • Duration3 days
  • LevelIntermediate
  • Education / Non-profit-35%
  • AttendeesMax 12

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